Internet credit card processing shouldn’t be complicated. If you own an online company and would like to begin accepting credit cards for your products and services offered on the web, consider internet processing software offered through
What is internet processing software and how does it work? Considered the most advanced and versatile way to process credit cards online, internet processing software allows merchants to manage automated website orders as well as manual processing for e-mail, phone, tax, mail, and face-to-face sales. The software makes it possible for your business to process credit card orders anytime, anywhere, without costing you a lot of money.
While the software is easy to use, provides free technical support along with all of its services. This means you can contact the company anytime you have an issue with the softare. You will also be pleased to know that the software is very flexible; it can be used for either PC or Macintosh computers.
However, the best part of having an account with is not the software (although this is a great perk); it’s the extremely low rates. The company offers discount rates of 1.59 percent for retail merchants, and only 2.19 percent for mail order and internet merchants. The Internet processing software is just one of the products they offer. They also offer wireless credit card processing, and an electronic keypad terminal.
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