Consider Security When Processing Credit Cards

Consider Security When Processing Credit Cards

Article Written by : Charity Banners

Use this list as a quick reference for PCI compliancy. Remember that this list is a review and does not substitute PCI DSS Version 1.2 Documents.

  1. Secure the Network: The first goal of PCI standards is for wireless credit card processing is to build and maintain a secure network. When handling people’s money and other sensitive information, it is incredibly important to have the highest security measures for the data system.
  2. Protect Cardholder Data: Cardholder data needs to be protected by merchant services. Encrypt any transmissions of cardholder data if they are using an open or public network.
  3. Enact a Vulnerability Management Program: Vulnerability management programs are also necessary to keep cardholder data safe. They can do this by regularly updating anti-virus software or programs.
  4. Control Measures: Everything shared about cardholder data should be revealed strictly on a need-to-know basis. Under absolutely NO circumstances should data be sold to any third parties.
  5. Test Networks: Regular tests and monitoring needs to be done on networks storing internet merchant account cardholder data.
  6. Create a Security Policy: Security policies need to be written up and agreed upon for both employees and contractors so protocol is clear and so that there can be no ambiguity on who is responsible for what.

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